About Me

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Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
A fourth year student in De La Salle University - Manila taking BS in Information and Communications Technology Management. Believes in the improvements ICT could bring in the everyday lives of people at work and home. A member of the La Salle Dance Company - Street, the hip-hop dance group of DLSU under the Cultural Arts Office.

E-mail: efren.paperstainer@gmail.com

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Year 2008 Evaluation

Stolen from nix who stole it from anjow.. Who also copied it from stu/gb..

Where did you begin 2008?

In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with my family.

What was your status by Valentine's day of 2008?
In a relationship for the first time! Woot!

Did you have to go to the hospital?
Yup. I had to get a cast for my sprained ankle.

Did you have any encounters with the police?
Yes. My sister was mugged in an FX so my lola and I had to pick her up at the police station. Does that count?

What did you purchase over 500pesos?
Many. Shoes of course.

Did you know anybody who got married?
Meg's brother. Haha. Random answer.

Did you know anybody who passed away?
I did. Just forgot.

What sporting events did you attend?

What concerts/shows did you go to?
Danz Dish 3, Remix 08, Art in Action, Carnivale, Skechers Streetdance Battle, Fubu, Unilever Christmas party and lots more!

Where do you live now?
EGI Taft Tower.

Describe your birthday.
I had 18 choco mallows given by 18 different people with Lara as mastermind even if she was away in Batangas :( Also had a flight to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for summer.

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did?
Get a sprained ankle.

Any new additions to your family?

What was your best month?
November. Skechers month. :D

Who was your best drinking buddy?
Didn't enjoy drinking much but it would have to be with LSDC friends.

Made new friends?

Any regrets?
Yes. Some. But I can't help it.

What do you want to change in 2009?
Study harder! Dance better! Be more careful. And know how to prioritize properly.

Overall, how would you rate this year?

Have any life changes in 2008?
Yes! Spiritually.

Get a new job?
No. But had new business ideas.

How old did you turn this year?
18 :D

Did anything embarrassing?
A lot!

Get married or divorced?
Sorta. I had a pretend marriage ceremony in Puerto Galera.

Be honest - did you watch American Idol?

Start a new hobby?
Design and customize Nike Dunk's!

Are you happy to see 2008 go?

Drank Starbucks in 2008?

Been naughty or nice?
Just right.

What are you wishing for in 2009?
For 2nd term SY 09-10 to be my last term. Re-defend the championship title in Skechers.

Done something you've regretted?
Hmm.. Yes.

Lost someone?

Cut class?
Happens often. Bad habit.

Was involved in something you'll never forget?
Skechers Streetdance Battle championship and Animo Squad 2k8!

Cooked a gross meal?
No. I thought it was edible.

Lost something important to you?
No. I take care of my stuff.

Got a gift you adore?
Yes. Gifts from my GF and I's anniversary.

Tripped over a coffee table?
Tripped. Not over a coffee table.

Dyed your hair?
No. But I had urges to.

Came close to losing your life?
YES! JJ's swimming thing with LSDC.

Went to a party?
Totie and Joee's Grad Party.

Read a great book?


Did you meet any new friends this year?

Did you dislike anyone?

Did you grow apart from anyone?

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
Yes. Have to fix it.


Did you have a cake?
I had choco mallows :D

Did you get any presents?


Did you change at all this year?

Did you change your style?

Were you in school?

Did you have a job?

Did you drive?
No. Wanted to.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
No. Good discipline has its rewards. Hehe.

Did you go on any vacations?
Yes. Puerto Galera and Saudi!

Would you change anything about yourself now?
Don't want to think about it.

2008: WRAP UP

Was 2008 a good year?

Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
Yes. Graduating year. New business opportunities. More free time. New challenges. Welcome!


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